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The Center is assembling a world-class team of researchers across a broad range of scientific disciplines.

If you share our passion for fundamental, discovery-driven world-class research, you should send us your resume here, and tell us how you want to do great science with us. We recruit the best possible scientists and give them freedom what to do.

Center Professor. Co-appointed as Professor at UNIST​
IBS Fellow.These small, independent research units offer young junior scientists who hold a Ph.D. an exceptional opportunity to lead a small research group of their own. They can have their own doctoral students and post-docs.
Researcher, tenure track. For post-IBS career, within 7 years upon appointment the tenure commitee of IBS will review his or her achievement to offer a permanent position as a tenured researcher at a national research laboratory in Korea.
Researcher, non-tenure track. Postdoctoral scholars fall into this category.
Graduate student.
Undergraduate participant.


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