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Cho Yoon-kyung Group Leader selected as a general member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea
Name관리자| Date2021-01-11 10:49| Hit1,449
Attachments 사진.jpg (571.3K, 503회)

Cho Yoon-kyung Group Leader selected as a general member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea

-Cho Yoon-kyung, Group Leader of Center for Soft and Living Materials, 

selected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea-

The National Academy of Engineering of Korea (here in after referred to as the National Academy of Engineering) selected 89 new general members for 2021 on January 5th. Among them, Yoon-Kyoung Cho, group leader, became a new member. Established in 1993, the Academy of Engineering selects members through academic achievements, technology development achievements, patents, manpower training, and industrial contributions from universities, research institutes, and companies. The National Academy of Engineering has 289 full members and 347 general members.

There are not many examples where skills are recognized at the same time in the fields of basic science and engineering. In IBS, Taek-Hwan Hyun, Director of Center for Nanoparticle Research, and Seong-Do Ha, Vice-Chairman, are full members of the National Academy of Engineering.

Yoon-Kyoung Cho, group leader, is an expert in micro fluidic research. 'Lab-on-a-chip', a small laboratory that processes samples by controlling the flow of fluid on the chip, studies on cellular dynamics, signal transmission between cells, and nano materials. Recently, she has received attention for the invention of a manual diagnostic tool that can diagnose bacterial infection and antibiotic resistance in remote areas without electricity.

Yoon-Kyoung Cho Group Leader was selected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of England in 2016 and received a Ministerial Citation for merit in promoting health and medical technology in 2017. In 2019, she was selected as one of the top 100 national R&D excellence achievements for research on microchip's fully automatic valve control technology for field diagnosis.

첨단연성물질 연구단 조윤경 그룹리더가 한국공학한림원 신입 회원으로 선정됐다.
▲ Cho Yoon-kyung, Group Leader of Center for Soft and Living Materials, selected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea



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