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Won the Award at UNIST's 2020 Outstanding Faculty Awards
Name관리자| Date2021-03-08 15:51| Hit1,413

Group leader Bartosz Grzybowski and Group leader Yoon-Kyoung Cho won the UNIST's 2020 Outstanding Faculty Awards.

UNIST selects and awards outstanding faculty members each year. At the 2020 Outstanding Faculty Awards, a total of 12 outstanding faculty members who excelled in 4 categories which is Academic, Research, Education, and Industry-academic Cooperation were selected and awarded.

Group leader Bartosz Grzybowski won the Grand Academic Award and Group leader Yoon-Kyoung Cho won the Academic Award at UNIST's 2020 Outstanding Faculty Awards.

 ▲ Bartosz Grzybowski, Group Leader of Center for Soft and Living Matter

Group Leader Bartosz Grzybowski is a chemist who astounded academics by developing an artificial intelligence (AI) for chemical synthesis called 'Chematica' in 2012, which is called 'Alpha Go' of the chemical industry. In recognition of this achievement, in 2016, he received the "Feynman Prize", a prestigious award in nanotechnology.


Recently, Group Leader Bartosz Grzybowski published a paper “Concentric liquid reactors simplify multistep chemical processes” on the cover of Nature(Oct 2020).

첨단연성물질 연구단 조윤경 그룹리더가 한국공학한림원 신입 회원으로 선정됐다.

 ▲ Yoon-Kyoung Cho, Group Leader of Center for Soft and Living Matter

Yoon-Kyoung Cho, group leader, is an expert in micro fluidic research. 'Lab-on-a-chip', a small laboratory that processes samples by controlling the flow of fluid on the chip, studies on cellular dynamics, signal transmission between cells, and nano materials. Recently, she has received attention for the invention of a manual diagnostic tool that can diagnose bacterial infection and antibiotic resistance in remote areas without electricity.

Also, Group Leader Yoon-Kyoung Cho is selected as a general member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea. 



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