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An article published by Prof. Grzybowski has highlighted by Science magazine
Name관리자| Date2018-04-13 19:37| Hit3,147
An article published by Prof. Grzybowski has highlighted by Science magazine에 대한 이미지1

On the latest issue of Science magazine, editors picked a paper 'Efficient Syntheses of Diverse, Medicinally Relevant Targets Planned by Computer and Executed in the Laboratory' (Chem 4, 522) which is published by Prof. Bartosz Grzybowski, and by researchers of MilliporeSigma and Polish Academy of Sciences. 

In this article, Grzybowski and coworkers prove the validation of Chematica, the computer program that plans a route to products, developed over the past decade. The software had taught from about 50,000 reactivity rules coded by human experts. The authors newly reported the first experimental execution of organic synthesis charted by Chematica.

They targeted 8 compounds which are medicinally relevant molecules, and all of them are successfully produced in accord with courses designed by Chematica.

You can check the other highlighted articles here >> Editor's Choice:: This Week in Other Journals
And see the whole issue (March 30) HERE.

An article published by Prof. Grzybowski has highlighted by Science magazine에 대한 이미지2



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