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The INNERVIEW with Director Steve Granick
Name관리자| Date2016-07-05 20:15| Hit2,863
Attachments steve granick.jpg (182.1K, 909회)

Director Steve Granick of the Center for Soft and Living Matter is going to be the main guest interviewee in "The INNERVIEW," a TV talk show in Arirang TV which is an English broadcasting station in Korea. The summary of the interview is as follows:

Steve Granick is a distinguished scientist and professor in both physics and chemistry at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology. Recognized for his contribution to science and research, he has been elected as a member of the prestigious American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and received the Colloid and Surface Chemistry Award from the American Chemical Society and the Polymer Physics Prize from the American Physical Society.

Currently heading the Center for Soft and Living Matter of the Institute for Basic Science, Steve Granick shares with us how he came to be appointed as the director of the center in 2014 and the research he has been conducting at the center since then. He also gave a lecture at the Strong Korea Creative Forum 2016, where he stressed the importance of basic research and discussed the measures to promote basic science in Korea.

Tune into "The Innerview" this week(Ep.214) to meet Steve Granick, who is contributing to the advancement of basic science as an active member of the Korean scientific community.

The INNERVIEW with Director Steve Granick will be aired at 8 am and 5 pm in 5th of July.

Please click the link below to browse The Innerview with Steve Granick!



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