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IBS Director Steve Granick participates 2016 STRONG KOREA FORUM as a special lecturer
Name관리자| Date2016-05-31 15:04| Hit3,453
Attachments strong korea forum_pics.jpg (41.1K, 925회)
This coming June, the Korean Economic Daily and the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning co-host ‘Strong Korea Creative Forum 2016’ at the Millennium Seoul Hilton.
Zach Sims, the leader of coding education market and the co-founder of the Codecademy, will give a keynote speech regarding ‘Human resource and software in digital era.’ Pradeep Dubey, the head of Parallel Computing Lab and the leader of artificial intelligence(AI) and deep-learning, and Jim Newton, the chairman of the TechShop, will participate the forum as special lecturers. As for the special session, Steve Granick, the director of IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter, will talk about ‘The global trend of basic science.’ There will be topic presentations and discussions with speakers including Kil Choo Moon, the president of UST, Seong Keun Kim, the dean of the SNU Department of Natural Science.
IBS Director Steve Granick participates 2016 STRONG KOREA FORUM as a special lecturer에 대한 이미지1



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